A total lunar eclipse or a super moon eclipse was held on May 15-16, 2022.
A Total Super moon Lunar Eclipse was occured on May 16th 2022.

People in the Americas, Europe and Africa will see the total lunar eclipse during the night of May 15-16, 2022.
Partial eclipse begins at 2:27 UTC on May 16 and ends at 5:55 UTC on the same day.
As shown in the right of the diagram Eclipse at Moonset means: people living in the dark shaded area will witness beginning of the eclipse on 16th of May at night and they won't be able to witness the end of the eclipse as the moon will set while it's being in the phenomena of the eclipse.
As shown in the left of the diagram Eclipse at Moonrise means: people living in the dark shaded area won't be able to witness the beginning of the eclipse as moon will rise in their respective localities on 15th May evening while the moon is in the phenomena of the eclipse. They will be able to see the end of the eclipse in their respective localities.
As shown in the center of the diagram Whole eclipse Visible means: people living in that locality will be able to witness the whole eclipse from the beginning to end of the total eclipse whereas the date will vary of their respective localities. It will be May 15th night in some areas while it will be May 16th night in some areas.
As shown in the diagram Srilanka won't be able to witness as the natural phenomena will not occur to our country. Therefore eclipse prayers which is a confirmed sunna (sunna muakkada) is not recommended to be performed as the natural phenomena of occurrence of the eclipse is not visible in Srilanka.
Source: https://earthsky.org/astr.../total-lunar-eclipse-may16-2022/
Updated by Moulavi M. R. Abdul Rahuman.
Assist secretary Colombo Grand Mosque Hilaal Committee.